Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Area community service officer honored with award and scholarship

by Alex Ronallo, FOX 11 News

GRAND CHUTE (WLUK) -- "I truly believe I was destined for this," said Tristan Prosper a college student and community service officer for the Grand Chute Police Department.

Prosper's dream is to become a full fledged officer.

"I've always had a passion for helping others and helping the less fortunate and that's exactly why I chose this career," he told FOX 11 News.

And now Prosper is getting a huge help in pursuing that passion.

Last week he went to Baltimore to receive the first National Ripken Foundation Scholar Award, a scholarship for $50,000 to pursue a criminal justice degree.

"To be selected, the one out of the whole nation, it's pretty miraculous. I can't really describe it," Prosper told us.

Prosper was nominated by Youth Go in Neenah He's volunteered with the organizaton for more than a decade, helping with many projects.

"We help to rebuild houses to make them more accessible for elderly and disabled," Prosper said, describing one of the projects.

Prosper was also a mentor in the Cal Ripken Senior Foundation's Badgers for Baseball program. He told us this award has changed his life.

"I kind of always wanted to stay here, save money, but now, it's a $50,000 scholarship!" Prosper exclaimed

And the options are limitless.

"I might go out to the East Coast. Otherwise I've been looking at schools in the area, Wisconsin, UW-Milwaukee, Prosper explained.

Prosper told FOX 11 his original goal was to become a school liaison officer. His trip to Baltimore set his aim a little higher.

"I might go to a federal level," he said.

Propsper told us he is grateful to the people who nominated him for this honor.

"The words can't describe. For them to even step out and nominate me for this and then to have been chosen is incredible," he said.

Prosper is currently a student at UW-Fox Valley.

Source: Area community service officer honored with award and scholarship

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