Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lincoln-Sudbury students invited to apply for Constitution Scholarship

  • SUDBURY — Lincoln-Sudbury High School students can apply for the annual Constitution Scholarship until April 4.

    A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to the student who follows the criteria and submits a winning essay on the importance of the Constitution. Applications have been given to history teachers and also available at the high school's superintendent's office.

    In 2004, Congress declared that Constitution Day should be observed in schools each year on or around Sept. 17 to include educational programs about the history and signing of the U.S. Constitution. Because it is considered a civic responsibility to celebrate Constitution Day, the first 5K Constitution Challenge Race was held at Longfellow's Wayside Inn on Sept. 17, 2011. The historic Wayside Inn was selected because of its link to our country's founding and its existence at the time of the U.S. Constitution's signing in 1787. Proceeds from the race have funded the scholarship each year.

    Students who apply would benefit by becoming familiar with the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist papers, the Bill of Rights as well as what motivated the establishment of the Constitution and what the prevailing arguments were in favor and against its eventual ratification. Why are the arguments of the past still relevant for us to understand today? Another topic could be how this relatively short document of 4,400 words impacts the life of our nation in contemporary times. For example, the separation of powers or the First Amendment and how the founding principles of the Declaration of Independence were incorporated in the Constitution.

    Students may also choose to write about their role as citizens and the ways they have contributed or plan to contribute to the life of our nation by working to preserve the Constitution which is the "supreme law of the land."

    Helpful sources may be found by visiting Hillsdale College's free online courses titled "Constitution 101" or "The Federalist Papers" at Some of the requirements for the two- to three-page essay are clarity of presentation and the basic knowledge of the Constitution as evidenced by cited sources and reference material. The scholarship will be awarded to the winner on May 31 at the Lincoln-Sudbury scholarship night.

  • Source: Lincoln-Sudbury students invited to apply for Constitution Scholarship

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