Friday, July 8, 2016

Second chance scholarships available

  • Applications for the Second Chance Community Scholarship are now available online at (the club's home page) or by e-mailing Lesley Dever at

    Sponsored by the Enhanced Scholarship Trust of the Rotary Club of Marblehead Harbor the scholarship is meant for those intending to take courses to improve their employment or to enroll in a certificate program. It is not intended for courses toward a college or higher degree. Successful applicants will receive up to $2,500 paid directly to the educational facility on their behalf. A one-page essay describing the applicant's goals in the workplace and/or for his or her community, and how the additional educational experience would help the applicant achieve those goals, must be included with the application. Finalists will be invited for a personal interview, and they will need to supply a copy of their tax return for the previous year at that time. Applications must be submitted no later than close of business July 31, 2016.

  • Source: Second chance scholarships available

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