Saturday, March 12, 2016

Ohio Newspapers Foundation offers scholarships, internships

COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Ohio Newspapers Foundation has broadened scholarship opportunities for students majoring in one of the following newspaper industry related fields: journalism, advertising, marketing and communications.

For college students there are three $1,500 university journalism scholarships, one $1,500 Harold Douthit regional scholarship and one $1,500 ONWA annual scholarship. For Ohio high school seniors there is one $1,500 minority scholarship. Interested students must attend an Ohio college or university. The scholarships will be awarded in May.

All scholarship applications require an essay and examples of activities that demonstrate a commitment to a career in their newspaper related field. The deadline for all applications is March 31.

Eligibility and application information can be found on the Ohio Newspaper Association website at grams/foundation/scholarships.

The office of The Ohio Newspaper Association offers two paid summer internships, a publications/public relations internship and an advertising internship.

The publications/public relations internship allows a student to work in the Columbus office of this trade association, which represents Ohio's newspapers, their affiliated websites and a growing number of digital local news outlets in Ohio. Duties include writing and assisting in production of the electronic newsletter (ONA Bulletin); miscellaneous fliers and mailings; meeting planning; research.

The advertising internship allows a student to work with AdOhio, an affiliate of ONA that shares the same Columbus office. Duties include: writing and layout for sales presentation sheets and client mailings; research; updating and producing promotional materials; creating and organizing PowerPoint presentations; designing display ads; selling network advertising; and more.

Job description, qualifications, salary and contact information for both positions can be found at The deadline date for intern applications is April 1.

Source: Ohio Newspapers Foundation offers scholarships, internships

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