Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Technology to Engage in Public Scholarship

A workshop for faculty who would like to work with technology either in courses or in their own public scholarship.

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

9:00 am – 3:00 pm / Leighton 236

The "Technology to Engage in Public Scholarship" winter break workshop will provide guidance for faculty who would like to work with technology either in courses or in their own public scholarship. These technologies may include Wikipedia, websites (Reason), blogs (WordPress), a tool for curating online exhibits (Omeka), and geographic information systems (GIS). Our time will be a mix of learning about the new technologies, conceptualizing your project, and hands-on time to work. The workshop will be held in Leighton 236 from 9 AM to 3 PM on both Tuesday, Dec. 1st and Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days and participants who attend both days will receive a stipend. The workshop is co-sponsored by FLTG, CARS, and CCCE.

Co-facilitators: Janet Russell, Director of Academic Technology and Debby Walser-Kuntz, Broom Fellow for Public Scholarship / Faculty Director of the Center for Community and Civic Engagement / Professor of Biology

Source: Technology to Engage in Public Scholarship

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