Friday, November 27, 2015

NBAA Charities Awards 14 Scholarships During Convention 2015

The National Business Aviation Association is about much more than the business of aviation; it is also about the future of the worldwide general aviation industry. In the spirit of the future at last week's event NBAA Charities, the charitable giving arm of the organization, awarded 14 scholarships to people seeking professional training leading to careers in aviation.

NBAA Charities offers more than $100,000 in scholarships annually. The majority of the scholarships are member-sponsored and are focused to encourage applicants in their pursuit of aviation industry careers. Five distinct scholarship awards were awarded. They were the William M. Fanning Maintenance Scholarship (winners: Erica McConnell, Evan Schlottman); the Lawrence Ginocchio Scholarship (winners: Hanna Burress, Madeline Kuhn, Michael Mascari, Francisco Pastrana, Alexander Wukovits); the UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship (winners: Lindsey Hurley, Marissa Jones Flaget, Shane Martin, John Sami, Courtney Schlosser); the Eddie Queen Business Aviation Management Scholarship (winner: Anna Romer); the Alan H. Conklin and Bill de Decker Business Aviation Management Scholarship (winner: Leonard Nalbone); and the Certified Aviation Manager Scholarship (winners: Thomas Bumpus, Jose Serra, Ann Widay, Nathan Winkle).

To learn more about the numerous scholarship opportunities offered by NBAA Charities, contact Tyler Austin, project manager of professional development, at, or visit

Source: NBAA Charities Awards 14 Scholarships During Convention 2015

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