New Canaan High School's annual Scholarship Sunday will be held Sunday, April 3 from noon to 4 p.m. On this day, NCHS students wearing Scholarship Drive t-shirts go door-to-door in New Canaan to collect donations for college scholarships for fellow NCHS students.
Since 1967, the NCHS Scholarship Foundation has provided need-based financial aid for NCHS graduates pursuing a higher education. Last year, the Scholarship Foundation raised $82,500 from local businesses, residents, service clubs and memorials, and awarded 56 need-based scholarship grants.
Donations may be handed to the student volunteers on Scholarship Sunday, made online at, or sent by mail to the NCHS Scholarship Foundation, New Canaan High School, 11 Farm Road, New Canaan, CT 06840. Checks should be made out to NCHS Scholarship Foundation.
New Canaan High School's annual Scholarship Sunday will be held Sunday, April 3 from noon to 4 p.m. On this day, NCHS students wearing Scholarship Drive t-shirts go door-to-door in New Canaan to collect donations for college scholarships for fellow NCHS students. Brian Maccalla, left, Peter Swindell, Rajon Mitchell, James Freyre, and David Ferm
Source: NCHS Scholarship Drive April 3
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